Out-Patients Department
Out-Patients (OPD) at horizon hospital is well lit, centrally air-conditioned with a comfortable arrangement for the patients and attendants alike. OPD provides two reception areas, private consultation rooms where patients privacy and confidentiality are maintained at a high level. OPD also has two procedure rooms where patients who require minor procedures can be seen. These rooms are particularly useful to examine post-operative cases where dressing change or stitch/drain removal is required. Patients are assisted by health care assistants during their visit to the consultant’s room. Porters are available during OPD hours to help patients with wheelchairs and stretchers. Record keeping is electronically maintained with access only to authorised personnel.
OPD area also has a central hospital pharmacy for the convenience of patients seen in the clinics.

Welcoming Reception. Clean and comfortable environment.

Patients are assisted by Health Care Assistants and Porters