Cardiology Services at Horizon Hospital
Cardiology is a speciality that deals with both congenital and acquired heart diseases. The causative factors in many acquired diseases are related to lifestyle and therefore, can be modified.
Some of these factors include:
- Smoking
- High Blood Pressure
- High cholesterol levels
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Lack of regular physical activity
- Unhealthy diet and being overweight
- Stresses in Life
As coronary heart disease is a major factor in causing disability and deaths globally, it is important to educate the general public regarding the preventable risk factors.
Most patients with heart disease present with:
- Chest Pain / Tightness in the chest. This pain may radiate to the left arm
- Breathlessness
- Weakness / light-headedness or headache
- Nausea/ Vomiting
- Cold sweats
At the Horizon Hospital, we have cardiology out-patients as well as for in-patients services with the facility of ICU. We have two consultant cardiologists who do regular clinics. They see patients with hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, valvular problems and patients with rheumatic heart disease.