What is Dengue fever?
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection that causes severe flu-like symptoms. It is found in tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world, particularly in areas with high humidity and stagnant water.
Dengue fever is caused by one of four closely related viruses transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. There is no specific treatment for dengue fever, and it can often be fatal. The best way to prevent the disease is to avoid mosquito bites.
Dengue fever causes
Dengue is transmitted by the mosquito bite called “Aedes”
It is well distributed around the world.
- Nearly 40% of the world population is at risk of being affected by dengue fever.
- It is endemic in Africa, Asia and certain parts of South America and the Caribbean.
- The case where the diagnosis is established early can be treated effectively.
Dengue fever in mild cases usually causes flu-like illness, but symptoms range from mild to severe. They typically start within a week after the mosquito bite and typically last 3 to 10 days.
In its severe form, dengue may cause dengue shock syndrome (DSS) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). These may be life-threatening and need hospitalization.
There are currently no vaccines. The best method is to avoid mosquitos bites.
Dengue Fever Symptoms:
This is a viral infection that is transmitted by mosquitoes. The most common symptoms of dengue fever include:
- Fever
- Headache
- Pain behind the eyes
- Muscle and joint pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- Rash
In severe cases, dengue fever can lead to hemorrhagic fever (characterized by bleeding from the nose and gums) or shock syndrome (characterized by dangerously low blood pressure).
Dengue Fever Diagnosis
As it is a viral illness, there is no specific treatment. If the disease is mild, the mainstay of treatment is correcting hydration and pain killers. Non-steroidal drugs must be avoided due to the risk of bleeding.
In severe cases, hospitalization with iv fluid replacement or blood transfusion is required along with other conservative measures.
Dengue Fever Treatment
If the disease is mild, the mainstay of treatment is correcting hydration and pain killers. Non-steroidal drugs must be avoided due to the risk of bleeding, but there are some things that can be done to help relieve the symptoms:
- Get plenty of rest
- Drink lots of fluids, especially water
- Take acetaminophen or paracetamol to help with the fever and pain
- Avoid aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) because they can increase the risk of bleeding
- Apply a cool compress to the forehead or take a cool bath
In severe cases, hospitalization with IV fluid replacement or blood transfusion is required along with other conservative measures.
When does dengue become serious?
Dengue can become serious when it causes severe dengue fever, which is a high fever accompanied by rash, headache, and muscle pain. Dengue can also cause severe dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), in which the person develops bleeding from the nose or mouth.
How recover from dengue fast?
4 Things to do to recover from dengue fever fast:
⇒ Get plenty of rest: The body needs time to heal from the infection, so make sure you get enough sleep.
⇒ Drink fluids: Dehydration can worsen dengue symptoms and increase your risk for other health problems, such as pneumonia. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, especially if you are feeling feverish or have a headache.
⇒ Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen: If you experience pain due to dengue fever, take ibuprofen or acetaminophen as prescribed by your doctor. These medications may help reduce inflammation and relieve pain temporarily.
⇒ Avoid close contact with people who are infected with dengue virus: Stay away from people who are sick with dengue virus – even if they look healthy overall! This includes family members and close friends who may be carrying the virus without showing any signs of illness yet
Preventation of dengue fever:
There is no specific prevention method for dengue fever, but the following measures can help reduce your chances of getting sick:
- Use insect repellent when outdoors.
- Stay away from areas where mosquitoes are common.
- Avoid mosquito bites by using effective mosquito avoidance techniques such as wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants, using an EPA-registered insect repellent containing DEET, and using a mosquitero.
What is Dengue Virus:
The dengue virus is a mosquito-borne virus that can cause severe flu-like symptoms in humans. The virus is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world
Aedes mosquitoes
Aedes mosquitoes are a species of mosquito that can carry and transmit the Zika virus. Aedes mosquitoes are found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, including parts of the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. The mosquitoes are most active during the day, and they can bite both indoors and outdoors. Aedes mosquitoes can also carry other diseases, such as dengue fever, chikungunya, and yellow fever.
Can you survive dengue fever?
There are treatments available that can help make the illness more manageable. Some of the most common symptoms of dengue fever include a high temperature, severe headache, and a rash. Treatment typically includes rest and fluids to reduce swelling in the body, paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve pain and fever, and antibiotics if there is an infection present. If left untreated, dengue can lead to serious complications such as heart failure or even death.