Aim of Day Surgical Unit
Horizon Hospital has established the first dedicated Day Surgery Unit in Lahore. This unit aims to treat patients who need admission for a surgical procedure or endoscopy and can be safely discharged home on the same day. The unit works in an integrated manner as a “One Stop Management Unit” for the patients with its own reception, operating and recovery area. In addition to the low cost, it has potential benefits of:
- Sparing hospital beds for major surgical procedures.
- Low incidence of serious morbidity.
- Low incidence of thrombo embolism.
- Low incidence of hospital-acquired infections
- Minimal disruption to the patients' life.
All the specialities performing day case procedures will be able to benefit from it including:
- General Surgery
- Gastroenterology
- Gynaecology
- Orthopaedics
- Plastic Surgery
- Nephrology
- Urology
Functional Process
- As a day case centre, patients safety would be of paramount importance and all checklists and safety parameters during the procedure and recovery will be observed.
- Any patient coming for the daycare procedure will be directed to the third floor from the main reception.
- He / She will be registered at third floor reception where admission documents are completed, charges paid and patient transferred to patient bay.
- In the patient bay, theatre dress will be changed and consent taken and instructions given to the patient by the nurse.
- The patient will be transferred to the theatre.
- After the procedure he/she will be shifted to patient bay for recovery and discharge.
- If consultant need to counsel the patient after the procedure that will be done in the physicians office.
- Final discharge at the reception.

Criteria for DSU Admission
- Patient must be seen by consultant beforehand
- Clear instructions for admission available
- Pre-op assessment must be done
- All patients should carry pre-op investigations
- Admissions must be notified to the coordinator
- All patients should be ASA grade 1 or 2
- Attendants should not be allowed in theatre